Sunday, 30 May 2010

Poplyo the (mystical) cat

Tiggle the tummy of a tumbling cat!

Not quite sure whats going on here, he looks quite concerned, maybe he's found something mystical in the mystical cats mystical ear... (mystical!)

This is what we all want from life right?! To trampoleen on a giant cats tummy... no... just me then.

4 Responses to “Poplyo the (mystical) cat”

Flick said...

Can't wait to see what Poplyo's eyes look like when open. :) Accidentally watched a bit of Garfield, Stuart Little and Shrek in the past few days.

Ryan said...

Hmm, this's a little...different (I think). You're using some line strokes there! :D I wonder how to do that in Illustrator. :/

Yipori said...

Poplyo seems to be smiling almost all of the time, so I've never actually seen his eyes open myself, maybe one day...

Yipori said...

Also, lots of good tutorials on how to create this kind of effect here.
There are many different ways to do it.